

التنافس السياسي و الاقتصادي التركي – الايراني وانعكاساته الاقليمية

تُعد ظاهرة التنافس احدى اوجه التفاعل بين الدول تنشأ نتيجة احتكاك وسعي الدول من اجل تحقيق مصالحها وأهدافها انطلاقا من إمكانياتها المتاحة على شكل علاقة تسابق سلمي، ولكن كلما حاول أحد الأطراف المبالغة في الانفراد بهذه المصالح والاحتفاظ بها لنفسه ومنع الآخرين من الوصول إليها كلما شكل ذلك سببا لجلب التوتر الذي يمكن أن يُخرج التنافس عن نطاقه السلمي ليتحول إلى صراع، او ان يتطور في اتجاه ايجابي ليتحول الى تعاون في ظروف اخرى معاكسة، اذ ان التنافس كمفهوم يشير الى حالة من الاختلاف بين الدول، تأخذ ابعاداً سياسية واقتصادية بالدرجة الاولى لتحقيق مصالح ومكانة في الاط



      For continuation of the experimental data of Atwan and Aziz, a theoretical analysis was carried out to show the influence of two phase flow on corrosion under two different temperatures 25 and 400 C. It is also aimed to understand the agitation of these two phase flow under different conditions at different agitation velocities.They used two liquids. These are water and kerosene.Water was used at different percentages of the total volume.These percentages range from 1% to 30%.


The Effect of Additives and Temperature on the Rheological Behavior of Invert (W/O) Emulsions

The main aim of this research is to study the effect of temperature on the rheological properties (yield point, plastic viscosity and apparent viscosity) of emulsions by using different additives to obtain the best rheological properties.Twenty seven emulsion samples were prepared; all emulsions in this investigation are direct emulsions when water droplets are dispersed in diesel oil, the resulting emulsion is called water-inoil emulsion (W/O)invert emulsions.These emulsions including three different volume percentages of barite with three different volume perc


The Effectiveness of Drag Reducer Agents in Turbulent Two Phase Flow

It is well known that the addition of small amount of polymer to a turbulennewtonian fluid flow can result inreduction  of drag forces, which has received considerable attention in anumber of liquid flow fields. Althoughthe dragreduction effect of polymers have been well investigated in singleliquid turbulent flow, while little works are done concerning the reduction odrag forces in twophase liquidgas flows.


ANOVA Study of Corrosion under Controlled Conditions of Heat Transfer

The aim of present work is to use the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to study the effects of several variables on the corrosion process at different conditions of different metals under isothermal and heat transfer conditions. A study was carried out to investigate the effect of hydrodynamic variables as well as temperature and heat flux on corrosion of copper and iron metals.Two hydrodynamic geometries were investigated: cylinder in cross flow and rotating cylinder system under different ranges of temperature,Reynolds number and heat flux.


السلوك السياسي الخارجي الروسي تجاه آسيا الوسطى بعد عام 2000

وجدت روسيا على اثر تفكك الاتحاد السوفيتي في اواخر عام 1991 , نفسها امام استقلال هذه الجمهوريات في المنطقة , لاسيما وان هذه الجمهوريات كانت خاضعة لسيطرة المركز في موسكو قد استقلت واصبحت جمهوريات تجاور روسيا لابل تحاول الخروج من دائرة الارتباط الروسي من خلال ماانتهجته من سياسات خارجية ومانسجته من علاقات مع قوى اقليمية ودولية .ان منطقة اسيا الوسطى تشكل جزء اساسي في المجال الحيوي الجيوسياسي لروسيا وكانت منذ فترات سابقة موقعا متقدم على الجهات الجنوبية والجنوبية الغربية للامبراطورية الروسية القيصيرية ومن ثم السوفيتية , لذا فمن الطبيعي ان تصبح من أولويات السي


Investigation of Correlations and Prediction of Excess Molar Volume Using Different Equations Of State

   Prediction and correlation of accurate value of excess molar volume VE are of great interest for adequate design of industrial process and for theoritical purpose. In order to obtain accurate VE values attention has been turned to calculate it from quation Of State (EOS). It is to be noted that these equations of state were developed primarity for calculating vapour-liquid equilibirum and that the present use is some what outside their usual application.


Pore Size and Porosity in Packed Bed Using RRSB Distribution

  The aim of this research is to study pore size and porosity theoretically and experimentally in order to study the proprieties of packed bed .There are different types of distribution 
1. Log .Normal distribution.
2. RRSB-distribution.
3. GGS-distribution.
4. Rinkes- distribution.
5. PM- distribution.
   RRSB distribution used in this research ,in order to get number percent used in theoritcal and experimental part.
