Biotechnology - Sciene

Isolation and Identification of Klebsiella Accompanying Accident Wounds and Treatment with Probiotics

 A total of (100) samples were collected from patients (referred to three hospitals in Baghdad) suffering of accident wounds included traumatic wounds, foot ulcer and burns. The samples were collected from both sexes during the period 10/12/2009 – 14/3/2010. A total of 22 isolates of Klebsiella were identified depending on cultural, microscopic and biochemical characterizations.


Extraction and Purification of Asparaginase enzyme from Pisum sativum plant and studying their cytotoxicity against L20B tumor cell line

 Plant samples of Pisum sativum were collected from crop fields in the Collage of Agriculture/ University of Baghdad and were classified as Pisum sativum subspp. Jof according to their morphological characteristics. Activity of asparaginase was detected in seeds, stems and leaves extracts. Results showed that maximum asparaginase activity was detected in seeds extracts which was 30.0 U/mg in comparison with 26.4 and 16.1 U/mg in extracts of leaves and stems respectively.


The Potential of Some Locally Grown Plants to Genetic Transformation with Cytochrome p450 and Their Use in Phytoremediation

To increase phytoremediation potential, Arabidopsis thaliana and Sesbania grandiflora were genetically engineered with the rabbit cytochrome P450 enzyme. The P450 2E1 enzyme controls the ratelimiting step in the metabolism of multiple environmental pollutants, including Trichloroethylene (TCE), Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). The percentage of transformation increased at the less diluted cultures of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Similarly, when bacterial concentration decreased, the chance of infected explants increased too and the concentration of A.
