The Word of the President of the University
We have the great honour and dignity to be selected as the President of Al-Nahrain University and to be the eight President of this University that has the name of Country of the Two Rivers .This honour is associated with the feeling of great responsibility and it has been celebrated by the golden jubilee to confront the growing challenges that face the country generally and the higher education particularily.
Throughout the three past decades ,the University has progressed in terms of the aiming steps and it has deserved a forefront position among the universities of Iraq and among all the areas because it is the most inclusiveness in its specializations ,the most giving it its outcomes ,the recognizable one in its academic and administrative body, the more competitive in its students ,the more creative in serving the society.
It has achieved many things and it keeps doing the same all the time.
Today and tomorrow, the challenges of the information revolution and the various needs of society impose on the university to put strategies and achieving the international dependence.
Under our Administration ,the vision ,message, goals, values are undergone exact revision and execution ,and we start formulating committees to redetermine the priorities ,check and revision of the performance and outcomes of the aiming teaching, computerize the administrative work preparing to enter the University in the World Ranking.
Our primary works centrerate on encouraging the teaching body by using and adopting the multimedia means of teaching of the modern age ,and develop the infrastructure to achieve the goals of University according to the number of its students for pioneering careers to achieve the balance between the basic and practical researches, encouraging the practical side towards the invention, manufacture and marketing the researches , develop them by the means , procedures and tools .Besides ,it encourages the business incubators inside and outside the University and investing the scientific research to ensure an economic environment for the University to depend on its auto-spending in the future.
Our engineering vision for University is represented by a center for holding the civilizations and thoughts ,that is, the originality is mixed with modernity in one form that reflects the future by changing the teaching body ,students ,staffs to be the international citizens who are capable for interacting with the world attempting to enrich the variability inside the University Campus through the openness to the world and polarization of the foreigners.
Al-Nahrain University remains a spring of the science and knowledge characterized by its serious work and openness to the new thoughts; and it is regarded as a light of society and a factory of creation, a laboratory of science and culture and it remains a title of renaissance and one of the outstanding Iraqi Universities.