Biotechnology - Sciene

Comparative Study of Human Betaine Homocysteine from Different Patients

A lot of factors found to be related to diseases in one way or another, in the past years many studies showed that there was a risk factor that affects several diseases which is betaine Homocysteine. This study will consider homocysteine level as a factor and a marker for certain types of diseases. This study 75 different patients with different diseases and 40 healthy individuals (control)  the current results revealed  statistically significant difference among the all studied groups.


Genetic Polymorphism in SCL22A12 Gene Associated with Gout in a Sample of Iraqi Patients

The current study aimed to  investigate the molecular defect causing the manifestation of gouty arthritis ,  the relationship between kidney function and the gout and , study the relationship between white  blood cell count and gout in a sample of  Iraqi patients  .The  study included 35 patients suffering from gout during the period  from  January 2015 to June 2015 at Al- Karamah and Al-Yarmouk  teaching hospitals .20 healthy subjects  were selected to represent the control group.


Genetic Polymorphism in SCL22A12 Gene Associated with Gout in a Sample of Iraqi Patients

The current study aimed to  investigate the molecular defect causing the manifestation of gouty arthritis ,  the relationship between kidney function and the gout and , study the relationship between white  blood cell count and gout in a sample of  Iraqi patients  .The  study included 35 patients suffering from gout during the period  from  January 2015 to June 2015 at Al- Karamah and Al-Yarmouk  teaching hospitals .20 healthy subjects were selected to represent the control group.
