College of Engineering

FPGA based elliptic curve cryptosystem

Abstract : Elliptic Curve Algorithms (ECA) has been developed to be a desirable algorithm to other public-key cryptosystems such as the Rivest-Shamir- Adleman algorithm (RSA) by offering the smallest key size and the highest strength per bit. It is based on the discrete logarithm in finite field and integer factorization problem. This thesis proposes the design and implementation of cryptosystem used for generation of session key based on elliptic curve. The underlying structures are the standard Galois Fields GF (2m) in standard base representation.


Coding and decoding of telemetry and telecommand in satellite communication using FPGA.

Abstract: Programmable logic devices have replaced application specific integrated circuitsin many Applications due to lower cost, shorter time to market and hardware reconfigurability. Corresponding to this system on a programmable chip design has emerged as a major enabling technology. The implementation of satellite onboard data handling as a system on chip by the use of programmable devices will result in radical improvements and new capability.


Evaluation of multiuser OFDM schemes over home-plug system

Abstract: Since high bit rate for data transmission is required for broadband internet, High Definition TVs (HDTV) and other services, Power-Line Communications (PLC) are a technology that provides a very high-speed digital data transmission using the regular Low Voltage (LV) power lines as the transmission media. With multiple outlets in almost every room, power lines are already the most pervasive network in the home and this will reduce the cost for realization of new telecommunications networks.
