
السياسة الخارجية المصرية حيال المنطقة العربية منذ انتهاء الحرب الباردة

حظيت مصر بموقع جيوبولتيكي متميز , رتب عليها مهام ووظائف وأدوار في دوائر مختلفة ثلاث ، أولها الدائرة العربية كونها دولة عربية مهمة ، والثانية في الدائرة الافريقية كونها دولة تقع في قارة أفريقيا ، والثالثة الدائرة الاسلامية لانها دولة اسلامية ، ومن الملاحظ أن الدوائر الثلاث تعكس مكانة وثقل مصر الأقليمي ، ناهيك عن دورها الدولي ، فهي المدخل الطبيعي وخط الاقتراب الحتمي الى شمال افريقيا على طول الساحل الشمالي للقارة , وعلى الجهة الأخرى فإنها بقوة اكثر المدخل الحقيقي لأفريقيا في الشمال .


Steganography in AVI Files

Steganography is the art of hiding and transmitting data through apparently innocent carriers in an effort to conceal the existence of data. Text, image or audio in an Audio Video Interleave (AVI) multimedia file is adopted in this work.In the first step in this work, AVI file is separated into two parts, video and audio. The video part is a stream of frames, each frame is taken as a separated image stored in a separated Bit-Map (BMP) file.


Handwritten Recognition Using Neural Network

The problem of handwritten recognition considered to be very important problem because of its numerous applications and theoretical values in the domain of pattern recognition.In this research, models of Neural Networks are used to recognize written characters, applying Artificial Neural Network (ANN) of three types, which are: - Kohenen All Classes in One Network (ACON), Kohenen  One Class in One Network(OCON), and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ).The feature extraction process made use of Haar Wavelet Transformation to extract the parametric features of the


Building Diagnoses Expert System Shell Using An Arabic Interface

The present work is an attempt to develop an Arabic expert system shell for general diagnosing systems. The system abbreviated as GADESS (General Arabic Diagnosing Expert System Shell), it is onstructed of two phases. The first phase responsible for acquiring human expert knowledge in an automatic way provided with menu and windows message (expert interface).


Developement of a Web Site Search Engine

     The amount of information on the Web is growing rapidly, as well as the number of new users inexperienced in the art of Web research, which leads to the development of many Web applications called search engines specialized in helping the user in finding the information needed on the Web. Web site search engine is software used for searching a specific Web site for a specific query. This research aims to develop a Web site search engine that helps the user to find the most relevant Web pages with the user queries.


Design and Implementation of Text File Transfer Protocol Using TCP/IP Reference Model

With the recent growth and development of the Internet and companies intranets, it has become important to look for ways of developing these network, by developing new applications or protocols to the network reference models.Some protocols, such as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol), are vendor–neutral.


Windows Based Target Monitoring System

Network operators and administrators have a substantial interest to trace the state and performance of their networks and their components. Administrators needed to observe users to avoid any attack attempts. This can be done through System Monitoring.Traditional types of monitoring system include Anomaly Detection, Misuse Detection and Target Monitoring. This work concerns with the evelopment of two types of target monitoring works under windows environments.


Development Of An Expert System For the Diagnoses of Skin Diseases with the ways of Treatments

The present work is an attempt to develop an expert system to diagnose hypomelanosis skin diseases with the ways of treatments. The required knowledge acquired from a domain expert (Dr.Rabab Noory Al-Saady) and medical textbooks.The system consist of five module and used a production rule knowledge representation system.
