Windows Based Target Monitoring System

Dalal Naeem Hmood Al-Zaidi
Dr. Taha S. Bashaga
Dr. Venus W. Samawi

Network operators and administrators have a substantial interest to trace the state and performance of their networks and their components. Administrators needed to observe users to avoid any attack attempts. This can be done through System Monitoring.Traditional types of monitoring system include Anomaly Detection, Misuse Detection and Target Monitoring. This work concerns with the evelopment of two types of target monitoring works under windows environments. These are Online Monitoring and Offline Monitoring.Online monitoring concerned with time constraints on the overall time its takes to generate process, disseminate, and present monitoring data. Online monitoring can monitor the screen picture, mouse motion, and keystrokes. The administrator can send warning messages to the remote computer user. When the user performs suspicious actions on his computer, in this case, the administrator can force the remote user to logoff or shutdown windows. In the online Monitoring, uses the concept of client/server software system and Windows sockets.Offline monitoring do not concerned time constraints. Hence, administrator  may obtain  monitoring data at an arbitrary time after its generation by onitoring agents. In this phase the monitoring limited to the keyboard only.Both the online monitoring and offline monitoring are implemented using Visual Basic programming Language version 6 (VB) and dirextX 7 system provides by windows environment. The developed systems were tested under different environments (Windows 2000, Windows XP) and the results obtained are quite encouraging.