
Software Engineering Specifications for Dynamic Website Design

Dynamic Website today are large-scale and involve sophisticated interaction with visitors and databases, new dimension of dealing with users in Websites potentially the whole world; such Websites are often regarded as mission critical.In parallel with this evolution, dynamic Websites loss main basic specification of software engineering, a need for Web engineering has become apparent, to successfully build large-scale, complex Web-based systems and applications.The aim of the thesis is to put subjective bases for designing and implementation aspects based on sta


Development of a content-based image retrieval system

In this thesis, a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system is presented that supports querying with respect to color and texture low-level features. The fundamental idea is to generate automatically image descriptors by analyzing the image content. The focus will be on computing global similarity between images. Query is made upon images of homogeneous color/texture that do not require segmentation.


دور الاقليات في حكم العراق وفقاً لدستور 2005

ان المشاركة في الحكم وادارة الدولة تعد ظاهرة متأصلة في السلوك البشري وفي كل الجماعات البشرية ولا يخلو منها التاريخ الانساني وما نقصده بالمشاركة كمبدأ وكقاعدة قانونية في حكم وادارة الدولة انما هو الحق القانوني الشرعي الذي منحه الله تعالى لجميع افراد المجتمع بوصفهم خلفاء في الارض وينشأ عن هذا الحق حرية اختيار افراد السلطة الحاكمة ومراقبتهم ومحاسبتهم ونجد ان القران الكريم يشير الى ظاهرة الاشتراك في الحكم كونها قاعدة عامة عبر عنها باساليب وطرق متنوعة سواء في سيرة الانبياء(عليهم السلام) كما ورد في مشاركة هارون لموسى(عليهما السلام) في حكم بني اسرائيل وكذلك ق


Network Management System for Public Services

Due to the expansion of the data transmission capabilities, it is utilized to make many services easier, efficient, and more controlled. The public services are more effective if they have online data transmission to get faster request servicing, maintenance, and control.This project is concerned with designing and implementing a dedicated network management system prototype.



Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are general-purpose search and optimization procedures. They were inspired by the biological evolution principle of survival of the fittest. This led to the metaphoric use of  terminology borrowed from the field of biological evolution.Another method of optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), is able to accomplish the same goal as GA in a new way. The thought process behind the algorithm was inspired by social behavior of animals, such as bird flocking.
