
Breast Cancer Tissues Recognition Using Fractal Dimension, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network

In this research work, two recognition systems have been developed to recognize different breast tissues (normal or cancer infected). The multifractal dimensions have been used as textural discriminating
feature. The difference between the two established systems is the first is based on using fuzzy logic to make recognition decision,while in the second system the feed forward neural network is used instead


Data Mining Using Association Rules with Fuzzy Logic

The growth of massive data stores has led to the development of a number of automated processors that work to discover relationships in and between the data in those stores. These processors are often referred to by a number of names including data mining, knowledge discovery, pattern recognition, artificial and machine learning.Data mining is the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data.


Web Text Mining Using Fuzzy Logic

 With the explosive growth of the amount of content on the Internet,it has become increasingly difficult for users to find and utilize information and for content providers to classify and catalog documents.Traditional web search engines often return hundreds or thousands of results for a search, which is time consuming for users to browse therefore the searching Web pages similarity is using.The proposed system (Web Pages Fuzzy Similarity) consists of two phases: Off-line and On-line phases.



Content-based image retrieval has been an active area of research over last decade. The goal is to create systems capable of interactively retrieving images that are semantically related to the user's query from a database. In this research, a content-based image retrieval system is presented, it supports querying by example to retrieve images from the images database according to their color and textural low level features.The underlying techniques are based on the adoption of histograms of YUV, YIQ, YCbCr, HSV and HSI color models as color features.


Texture Classification Based on Fuzzy Logic

The classification process is an important task in many application of computer image analysis for classifying images based on color or texture low-level features.In this work, a texture classification system is presented which supports querying with respect to texture low-level feature. The fundamental idea is to generate automatically image description by analyzing the image content. The underlying techniques are based on the Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Gray-Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) as statistical approaches to texture analysis.


Content Based Text Mining

 Text mining has become an important research issue since the explosion of digital and online text information, where data might be stored as electronic documents or as text fields in databases, text mining has increased in importance and economic value. One of the important goals in text mining is automatic classification of electronic documents.


Implementation of a Parallel Computing Environment Using Message Passing Interface

Message Passing Interface (MPI) provides an infrastructure that enables users to build a high performance distributed computing environment from networked computers with minimum effort. It provides a common Application Programming Interface (API) for the development of parallel applications regardless of the type of multiprocessor system used. This research implements a distributed computing system called Java Message Passing Interface Middleware which supports a Message Passing Interface Application Programming Interface (MPI API).


A LAN-Based Instant Messaging System with Some Security Aspects

      Instant messaging is a form of online, real time form of communication between two or more people based on typed text. IM system has grown rapidly among network users. But most of existing instant messaging systems have severe security problems, people want to retain their privacy and communication should not copy or modified by a third party.This thesis presents the design and implementation of a secure instant messaging system. It achieved security objectives such as data integrity and confidentiality through encryption.
