College of Science

q-Deformed Quantum Coherent States and Some of Their Applications

The concept of q-deformation has found many important applications in a variety of fields in physics, such as quantum optics, atomic physics, solid state physics,nuclear physics and cosmology. This has motivated its extension to many well-established other concepts such as coherent states well-known in quantum optics. On the other hand, the interpretation of the physical meaning of the q-deformation remains an outstanding problem.The present work is an attempt to apply the concept of q-deformed coherent states to solve this interpretation problem.


De a En eterm and R nviro minati Radio onmen ion of ologic nt for Surrou S f Nat cal Ri r Al-D undin ural R isk as Dora ng Ar Radio ssessm Refin rea oactiv ment nery a vity of and

 The objectives of the present study were to measure the level of the radioactivity Al-Dora refinery and surrounding area. The study includes:    



The present work aims to employ the photonic crystal fiber (PCF) for designing temperature and electric field sensors with intended manufacturing characteristics including: high sensitivity, repeatability and low cost by infiltrated with Nematic N-(4`-ethoxybenzylidene)-4-n-butylaniline liquid crystal(EBBA) liquid crystal. The novelty in this work is the use of EBBA that characterized by its ability to align by an external electric field.
