College of Science

Construction of Mathematical-Statistical Model of Wind Energy in Iraq Using Different Weibull Distribution Functions

In the past few years, the world has witnessed a rush towards the use of clean renewable energy sources in order to reduce environmental pollution, energy cost, fuel consuming. Therefore, this work focused toward an important sector in renewable energy, which is wind energy, where the work was divided into four objectives namely;- Wind statistics: This  item  presents  a  statistical  analysis  of  the  wind resources at five selected sites (Ali Al-karbee, Baghdad, Basrah, Nasiriya, Kerbala) conducted on annual and monthly basis.


Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamic Properties of Bose-Einstein Condensation in Fractal Media

A quantum statistical mechanics model for the BEC phenomenon in fractal media is formulated. This model is based upon the generalized nonextensive Tsallis thermostatistics. The thermodynamic behavior this formulation (the temperature dependence of the condensate thermodynamic properties) is also investigated.


Preparation and Characterization of the Sn x Ba 4 Ca 2 Cu x+4 O y and Y n Ba 5 Cu Compounds

The present study includes the preparation of Sn xBa4Ca andYnBa5Cun+5O compounds with (x = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and (n=3, 5, 7) by solid state reaction (SSR) method. The study was to conclude the erconductor behavior of both compounds. The prepared samples were analyzed by Meissner effect primary, and the excess oxygen content was measured by using Iodomertric titration method.
