College of Science

Building Diagnoses Expert System Shell Using An Arabic Interface

The present work is an attempt to develop an Arabic expert system shell for general diagnosing systems. The system abbreviated as GADESS (General Arabic Diagnosing Expert System Shell), it is onstructed of two phases. The first phase responsible for acquiring human expert knowledge in an automatic way provided with menu and windows message (expert interface).


Developement of a Web Site Search Engine

     The amount of information on the Web is growing rapidly, as well as the number of new users inexperienced in the art of Web research, which leads to the development of many Web applications called search engines specialized in helping the user in finding the information needed on the Web. Web site search engine is software used for searching a specific Web site for a specific query. This research aims to develop a Web site search engine that helps the user to find the most relevant Web pages with the user queries.


Design and Implementation of Text File Transfer Protocol Using TCP/IP Reference Model

With the recent growth and development of the Internet and companies intranets, it has become important to look for ways of developing these network, by developing new applications or protocols to the network reference models.Some protocols, such as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol), are vendor–neutral.
