College of Science

B Bacteri a iologic after s cal stu subjec udy on ction to Prote o prob eus mir biotic rabilis s

       For the isolation of Proteus mirabilis, 85 samples were collected from different locations in Baghdad governorate. These samples include 20 samples of urine, 45 samples of wounds, and 20 samples of chicken and meat. From the overall samples a total of 146 isolates were obtained. These isolates were identified according to their morphological,microscopical characteristic and biochemical tests. Results of identification showed that 15 of the total isolates were belonged to P. mirabilis. These results were confirmed by identification using Api20E system.


Effect of β-Glucan Extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on angiogenesis

This study was conducted for investigating the effect of β-glucan as anti-angiogenicagent and their immunological effect. Sample of dried Saccharomycescerevisiae were obtained from local market in Iraq, the identification has been confirmed the type of S. cerevisiaeby cultural, morphological and biochemical tests for the yeast. Glucan was extracted from yeast sample depended on alkalineacidic


Study the Effect of Ferula hermonis Extract on the Fertility in Male Mice

  The present study was designed to detect the impact of fertility, histopathalogical and the cytotoxicity effect of ferula hermonis extract on male albino mice. To study the effect of F. hermonis, methanolic roots extract was prepared and chemical detection of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenes and steroids was carried out. The Thin Layer Chromatography analysis of methanolic extract showed that ferutinine was present based on RF value.
