College of Engineering

Bandwidth allocation in B-ISDN using bandwidth contract algorithm

Abstract: Broadband – Integrated Service Digital Network (B-ISDN) based telecommunication systems support a variety of services. Such as: landline, computer data and video conferencing. This thesis deals with the Quality of Service (QoS) in B-ISDN from the traffic control perspective. The main goal is to allocate bandwidth to network users with bursty traffic characteristics using a dynamic traffic control algorithm called the Bandwidth Contracting Algorithm (BCA). The above algorithm has four types of contracts: Red, Yellow, Short Term Green (STG) and Long Term Green (LTG) contracts.


A genetic-based fuzzy membership set for a fuzzy logic control system

Abstract: Fuzzy logic and fuzzy control are incorporated in many forms to different applications. Whether it is used in design or modeling of systems, large number of parameters are needed to be specified in the design process. Among these parameters the selection of the membership types does not gained much attention as other parameters. This thesis will focus on this parameter and presents this approach to the design of a fuzzy logic controller based on a selection of membership function with different types for good performance of control systems.


Electronic modeling of human ear

Electronic model of human ear is a simplified representation of the auditory system for the purposes of analyzing this system. It allows one to observe more closely the behavior of the system and to make predictions regarding its performance under altered input conditions and different system parameters. Modeling of the human ear function has been described by adopting various approaches and a comparison between different models of the human ear was made.
