

السلطة التقديرية للادارة في مجال الضبط الاداري في الظروف العادية )دراسة مقا رنة ( في القانون الوضعي والشريعة الاسلامية

ان خضوع الادارة الى القانون يعني احترام الادارة القانونية المستمدة من مصادرها مختلفة وهذا يكفل على احسن وجه العدالة والمساواة بالنسبة الى المحكومين ويضمن ان تكون الادارة ملتزمة بلا تتجاوز حدود القواعد التي تنظم نشاطاتها وتحدد اختصاصاتها وتبين وسائل ممارساتها لسلطاتها وان كان هذا هدفاً يرضي طموح الافراد للمحافظة على حقوقهم وحرياتهم الا انه لايومن متطلبات تحقيق المصلحة العامة لاسباب في مقدمتها انه يستحيل على المشرع ان يتصدى لتنظيم النشاط الاداري بشكل تفصيلي بكل دقائقه وجزئياته. 


Accuracy Improvement of Stochastic Linear Multi-Step Methods for Solving Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations

The main objectives of this thesis may be oriented toward three directions.The first objective is a study, in details, the basic theory of stochastic calculus and study the linear multistep methods for solving


Some Methods for Solving Initial and Boundary Value Problems with Nonlocal Conditions

The nonlocal conditions for the boundary or initial value problems appear when values of the function on the boundary or on the initial are connected to values inside the domain. Such problems are known as
nonlocal problem.The aim of this work is to study some types of nonlocal problems. This study includes the following aspects:


Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations Via G-Spline Based Differential Quadrature Method

This thesis have two main objectives, namely:
1- The first objective is to study the mathematical background of the differential quadrature method and its application to solve boundary value problems of the fourth order ordinary differential equations.
2- The second objective is first about function approximation by Gspline interpolation method. Secondly the numerical solution of two applications relating the vibration of a uniform beam problem which


Solutions of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations Using Variable Step Size Runge-Kutta Methods

 The main objective of this thesis is divided in to three directions which are:
The first one is to study and overview the main and basic concepts of stochastic calculus, as well as, studying stochastic ordinary differential equations. The second objective is to study explicit stochastic Runge-Kutta methods, then generalize this scheme for semi-explicit, implicit and mixed schemes and study theirs numerical stability. The third objective is to introduce variable step size method for solving


Approximate Method for Solving Fuzzy Integral Equations of Fractional Order

The main aim of this thesis is oriented about finding the approximate solution of fuzzy integral equations of fractional order as follows:
First studying the basic concept of the main subjects related to the work of this thesis which are so called fractional calculus and fuzzy set theory.Second studying the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the fuzzy integral equations of fractional order. Third finding the approximate solutions of the fuzzy integral equations of fractional order using Adomian decomposition method.


Some Analytical Methods for Solving Some Types of Nonlocal Problems

 This work concerns with the nonlocal problems and the main theme of it can be divide into three categories, which can be listed as follows:
First: Some analytical methods namely, the separation of  variables and the eigenfunction expansion method to solve some types of linear  partial differential equations with nonlocal conditions, are presented.   


On Stability of Multi Fractional Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficient

         The use of fractional orders differential and integral operators in mathematical models has been increasingly widespread in recent years. The non-linear multi-term fractional (arbitrary) order differential equation has been considered. Its solution existences and uniqueness are proved by transform it into a linear system of equations.
