
Characterization and Molecular Study on Polyhydroxybutyrate Produced from Rhodococcus equi

Many soil samples were collected from different places and screened for PHA production by Sudan Black B stain. Twenty isolates had a positive result for Suddan Black B stain. The results were confirmed by staining the viable colonies with the selective stain Nile Red; three isolates gave positive results. One isolate with a more pink fluorescent with Nile Red stain was selected for the present study.


Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Gene Polymorphism and some Immunological Aspects of Urothelial Carcinoma Patients

 This study was designed to shed light on the association between polymorphism of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene at -173 locus as risk factor of bladder cancer in Iraqi population by PCR-RFLP ,estimation the serum level of MIF with some cytokines (IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α) by sandwich ELISA and  determine the expression of several marker (CD74, CD44, P 53  and P 21 ) by  immunohistochemical staining.


Transformation of Lactobacillus acidophilus with Hygromycin Gene Originated from Streptomyces hygroscopicus

           To Investigate the ability of Streptomyces isolate to produce hygromycin B antibiotic as antithelmantic agent in poultry feed and selecting a suitable expression vector encoded hygromycin B phosphotransferase resistance gene and transforming Lactobacillus isolateby electroporation , from a total of 53 Streptomyces isolates, DNA was extracted and screened for the presence of hygomycin B gene using specific designed primer sets in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique.  Only three of the isolates were positive for the existence of such a gene which


Preparation and Characterization of Doxorubicin Loaded Tri-Block Copolymer (PCL-PEG-PCL) and its Cytotoxic Effect on Breast Cancer Cell Line MCF-7

The present study aimed to prepare, characterize and explore the cytotoxicity effect of doxorubicin (Dox) loaded biodegradable amphiphilic triblock copolymer poly caprolactone (PCL) poly ethylene glycol (PEG) poly caprolactone  (PCL-PEG-PCL) micelles against breast cancer cell line MCF-7.The physicochemical properties and in vitro test including cytotoxicity of the micelles were examined.


Assessment of Exon 2 and 3 Mutations in NPM1 Gene and Studying the Gene Expression of MDR1Gene in some Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients in Iraq

Mutations in NPM1 gene ranked within the most frequent known genetic marker in AML. In order to detect the frequency of NPM1 mutations within the region of exon 2 and exon 3 in Iraqi AML patients using conventional polymerized chain reaction technique, the region from 2380 bp to 4140 bp of NPM1 gene,which represents the region flanking both exon 2 and 3, was amplified by using two specific primers in a thermal cycler. Results showed that the concentration of genomic DNA after extraction was ranged between (52-93) µg/ml with purity of (1.8-1.92).


Effect of Carboxymethyl Nanochitosan Loaded with Streptomycin on Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

   This study aimed to synthesise carboxymethylnanochitosn as nanochitosan derivative from nanochitosan synthesized from soluble chitosan (low molecular weight) and encapsulate streptomycin then characterize and bioassay them on pathogenic gram positive and gram negative bacteria and Rhabdomyosarcoma cell- line. Ionic gelation method was used to synthesize nanchitosan from soluble and insoluble chitosan (high molecular weight). Dissolved chitosan was found to be superior to non-soluble in the preparation of nanochitosan.


Phytochemical investigation and Evaluation of the biological effect of Costus and Cyperus secondary metabolites on fertility in male mice

     The present study was designed to detect the effect of Saussurea lappa and Cyperus esculentus extracts on male albino mice fertility in addition to the histopathological changes in liver, kidney and testes. Saussurea lappa extract was prepared by maceration of 50 gm of Saussurea lappa roots with 90% methanol, then chemical detection of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenes and steroids was carried out.


Evaluation of the Anti-angiogenic Effect of B-glucan Extracted from P. eryngii

      This study was conducted to investigate the effect of -glucan extracted from the medicinal mushroom pleurotus eryngii as an anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor factor. Samples of dried mushroom Pleurotus eryngii were collected from Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Organic Farming in Baghdad. The -glucan was extracted from the mushroom samples using hot water extraction method. The


الارادة الاثمة واثرها في تحديد المسؤولية الجنائية

الجريمة ظاهرة اجتماعية لها جوانب مادية ندركها بحواسنا ونشعر بها من خلال ما تحدثه من خلل وارباك في أوضاع الجماعة وفي النظم العامة التي تحدد سير الحياة المجتمعية، وما يترتب على ذلك من اضرار اقتصادية وسياسية وثقافية تؤدي الى تأخر تقدم المجتمع، وتحول بينه ويبن التطور اللازم لنمو طاقاته المختلفة.ومرتكب هذه الجريمة انسان دفعته عوامل عدة لارتكابها، منها داخلية واخرى خارجية، تظافرت وامتزجت وتفاعلت في انتاج هذا السلوك المؤدي الى ارتكاب الجريمة، وهنا يبرز الجانب المعنوي الذي يتمثل في الدوافع الداخلية لدى مرتكب الجريمة حيث تعتبر الارادة الآثمة المظهر الرئيس له.
