Biotechnology - Sciene

Evaluation of some immunological aspects in patients with diabetes type ΙΙ

       Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a metabolic disorder of  multiple etiologies   characterized   by  chronic   hyperglycemia   with  disturbances of  fat and protein metabolism resulting from  defects  in  insulin secretion insulin action or both,  and  mediated in large part by the alteration in adaptive immunity and cytokines.


Cytotoxic and Molecular Assessment of Hymenocrater longiflorus Plant in Human Carcinoma Cells

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Hymenocrater ongiflorus methanolic extract on human osteosarcoma U2OS cancer cell line and colon RKO cancer cell line. Chemical analysis of the crude methanolic extract of the plant was done sing High Performance Liquid Chromatography – electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI /MS) analysis for the phenolic compounds flavonoids,


MicroRNAs as Possible Biomarkers for Breast Cancer in Samples of Iraqi and British Women

This study aimed to determine the expression of microRNA molecules as early prognosis biomarkers for the detection of breast cancer. To achieve this project, a total of fifteen serum samples were collected from Iraqi women with breast cancer and from six serum samples were collected from healthy women volunteers as a control group.
