
Modeling of Absorption- Stripping Network for Non-ideal Hydrocarbon Mixtures

   The present work is concerned with constructing a simulation computer program of multi –component absorption – stripping network through the use of rigorous method based on Otto Burninghum sum- rates method by using MAT LAB 6.5 package.


Electrochemical Co-Deposition of Metals Coating

   The present work has been mainly aimed to find a relationship between current densities of individual copper and zinc anodes with percentages of brass alloy plating in certain solutions .The influence of various variables on the individual plating of copper and zinc that would provide good plating on graphite bar (cathode) using copper and zinc as anodes has been investigated.


Prediction of Finite Concentration Behavior from Infinite Dilution Equilibrium Data

The principle aim of this project is to show if it is possible to use the activities coefficients at infinite dilution to find the parameters of different models. It was suggested two modern methods for calculating the activities coefficients at infinite dilution (γ∞), MOSCED method (modified separation of cohesive energy density) and SPACE method (Solvatochromic Parameters for Activity Coefficient Estimation).
