

       The optimization calculations are made to find the optimum properties of combined quadrupole lens which consists of electrostatic and magnetic lens.  The optical properties are computed, where both the focal length and the magnification are determined.  Both chromatic and spherical aberration coefficients are reduced to minimum values and the achromatic aberration are found for many cases.This calculation are achieved with the aid of transfer matrices method and using both rectangular and bell-shaped models of field distribution, where the path of charged


Determination Of The Most Favorable Shapes For The Electrostatic Quadrupole Lens

      By using transfer matrices method a computation has been carried out on the axial field distribution and the optical properties of the electrostatic quadrupole lens of different electrode shapes such as, cylindrical convex and spherical electrodes.The path of charged–particles beam traversing the field model has been determined by solving the trajectory equation of motion in Cartesian coordinates.  The optical properties of the electrostatic quadrupole lens have been computed with the aid of the beam trajectory along the lens axis.  Optimization


Uranium Concentration Measurements of Human Blood Samples Using CR-39

The aim of this project is to determine the concentrations  of uranium concentration in human blood in some governorates of Iraq for (workers in radiation field in ministry of science and technology and non occupational workers in radiation field) and to find the relationship between the uranium concentration with the number of working years and with the type of human gender.The nuclear reaction used as source of nuclear fission fragment is U-235 (n,f), obtain by the bombardment of U-235 with thermal neutrons from     (Am- Be) source which has a flux o
