
Maximum Power Point Tracking approach based on Temperature for PV Surfaces using PSPICE program

     This research study the effect of Photovoltaic surface temperature on Photovoltaic panel output characteristics. First,circuit simulator PSPICE was used to compose Photovoltaic panel model at 75 W, 4.8 A and 21 V. Then, study the behavior of it under varying conditions (solar insolation, environmental temperature and PV panel surface temperature). ABM feature of PSPICE was used to include the above rameters in PV PSPICE model and produced temperature dependent voltage.


A Study of Gamma Ray Dose Buildup Factors in Water and Graphite, in the Energy Range (4-10) MeV

Several studies have been conducted to measure different type of gamma ray buildup factor for its importance in measuring the dose resulting from Electromagnetic rays use and its shielding In this study gamma ray buildup factor for two shielding materials water (Zeff =7.42) and graphite (Z=6) within the energy range 4-10 MeV and up to 5 thickness mean free path has been studied.
