
De a En eterm and R nviro minati Radio onmen ion of ologic nt for Surrou S f Nat cal Ri r Al-D undin ural R isk as Dora ng Ar Radio ssessm Refin rea oactiv ment nery a vity of and

 The objectives of the present study were to measure the level of the radioactivity Al-Dora refinery and surrounding area. The study includes:    



The present work aims to employ the photonic crystal fiber (PCF) for designing temperature and electric field sensors with intended manufacturing characteristics including: high sensitivity, repeatability and low cost by infiltrated with Nematic N-(4`-ethoxybenzylidene)-4-n-butylaniline liquid crystal(EBBA) liquid crystal. The novelty in this work is the use of EBBA that characterized by its ability to align by an external electric field.


Supervised and Unsupervised Classification Performance Satellite Images

One of the main purposes of remote sensing satellite images is to interpret the observed data and classify features. Satellite image classification plays a major role in the extraction and interpretation of valuable information from massive satellite images.The primary purpose of this research is to classify multi-spectral Thematic Mapper satellite images using supervised classification. Unsupervised (RGB color model) and supervised classification (maximum likelihood method) is adopted to achieve the classification purpose.
