College of Science

Radioactive Detection On the Blood Samples of Cancer Patients Diseases by Using CR-39 Detector and its Effect on Cytogenetic

The aim of this project is to measure the uranium concentrations in blood samples taken from control group and patient group taken from different governorates of Iraq  , and measure the effect of Uranium in human chromosomes and cellular division, therefore this study was designed to investigate the effects of Uranium on the human through cytogenetic studies.The first part contains the determination of Uranium concentration in blood samples using CR – 39 track detector.The nuclear reaction used a source of nuclear fission fragments is (n, f) obtained by the bombardment of U – 235



One of the recent discoveres in nuclear Physics is the existance of Halo nuclei .Therefore, halo nuclei are very weakly-bound exotic states of nuclear matter in which the outer one or two valence nucleons (usually neutrons), and a nuclear core with normal nuclear density is surrounded by a region of dulite nuclear matter, referred to as the neutron halo. Such nuclei occur from light to heavy masses and have been the subject of a alarge number of theoretical studies to try and understand them.
