College of Science

Numerical and Approximate Methods for Solving Stochastic Integral Equations

Stochastic and random integral equations are of great importance that may be used in modeling certain type of problems that contains random process and noise. Therefore, the main objectives of this thesis may be oriented as follows: The first objective is to study the theoretical side of stochastic calculus and stochastic processes, which include the basic definitions and fundamental concepts related to this topic, such as stochastic processes,
stochastic differentiation and stochastic integration the existence and uniqueness theorem.


Genetic and Biochemical Study in a sample of Iraqi women with breast cancer above 40 Years

   Breast cancer is the commonest cancer affecting women worldwide. Different studies have dealt with the etiological factors of that cancer aiming to find a way for early diagnosis and satisfactory therapy. The present study investigated the relationship between genetic
polymorphisms of BRCA1 & BRCA2 genes and evaluation of some etiological risk factors among breast cancer patients in Iraq. This investigation was carried out on 25 patients (all were females) who were confirmatory for breast cancer by histopathological examinations


Activity Of Some Secondary Metabolites From Tagetes patula L. Flowers Against Microbial Infection

In an attempt to treat infection of mice skin, and investigate the antimicrobial effect of bacterial system (G-system) using essential oil and methanol extract of Tagetes patula flowers (Qadifah), several experiments were carried out.These extracts were investigated for the presence of some active secondary metabolites and their antimicrobial activity. Tagetes methanol flowers extract contained phenols, flavonoide, alkaloids, saponins, and terpenes.
