College of Science

Cytogenetic Study of Heat Stable Enterotoxin (a) Produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on Colorectal Cancer Patients and Its Effect on Cancer Cells

       This study was conducted for investigating the effect of heat stable enterotoxin a (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells. A total of (25) stool samples were collected from patients suffering from diarrhea to isolate E. coli strains that produce STa, and after performing microscopic examination, cultural characterization and biochemical identification only (11) isolates showed positive E. coli.


Effect of Abiotic Stress on The Accumulation of Some Metabolites in Ruta graveolens (In Vitro)

      Structural and functional characterization of environmental stress- induced genes has contributed to a better understanding of how plants respond and adapt to different abiotic stresses by using DDRT-PCR, with the aim of increasing salinity and drought tolerance in Ruta graveolens by employing plant tissue culture technique.
