Radiation Dose Assessment for Ionizing and Ultraviolet Radiations Using CR-39 , Lexan and LR-115 Nuclear Track Detectors

Fala Hatem Taha
Dr.Hussain Ali Al-Jobouri

      The aim of this study is the radiation dose assessment of gamma rays-γ and ultraviolet-UV radiation on nuclear track detector-NTDs types CR-39 , Lexan and  LR-115 through measuring the absorbance-A by using uv-visible spectroscopy technique and measuring the spectral deviation of  Fourier transform infrared- FTIR technique .The radiation response  for gamma rays  was measured  at low dose range  1Gy  to 10 Gy  and high dose range  10 Gy  to 195 kGy  .There is gamma ray response for all NTDs used in this study . Results revealed gamma radiation response at low and high radiation doses for  Lexan  and LR-115 detector   using   optical   absorbance-A ,while the radiation response for CR-39 detector appears only at high dose range . The results show that absorbance -A   increases with increasing of gamma radiation dose, where it was observed that Lexan detector has a radiation  response much better than CR-39 and LR-115  detectors through measuring increasing in the absorbance-A value at the wavelength 800 nm .  There is deviation in some of wavenumbers-W  of FTIR  spectrum measured  for  CR-39 detector. This deviation  appears at low dose range  from 1Gy  to 10 Gy  with increasing of gamma radiation dose at wavenumbers-W 1405 and 1456 cmˉ ˡ , while the deviation  does not appear in Lexan and LR-115 detectors . Also, for uv-irradiation there is an increase in absorbance-A with uv-irradiation in  dose at the range from  1 J/cm²  to 360J/cm²  . LR-115 detector has  uv-radiation response better than CR-39 and  Lexan detectors through measuring the increasing in absorbance-A at the wavelength 650 nm. The deviation in FTIR spectrum caused by uv-irradiation appears at the wavenumbers-W 1338 , 940 and 2907 cmˉˡ  for CR-39 , Lexan and LR-115 detector respectively. The deviation in CR-39 and Lexan detectors is more clear than in LR-115 detector. From the results of this study , a possibility appears for the case of NTDs type CR-39 , Lexan and  LR-115 as gamma and uv radiation dosimeters in medical and nvironmental fields.