التطور التكنلوجي والحرب

براء عبد القادر وحيد محمود
الدكتور لبنان هاتف الشامي

There is no doubt that the study of one of the future phenomenon , is a process of scientific research , starting from the past of the phenomenon , passing by it's present to look for it's future prospect and factor of change in it . The national security adviser to president (Carter) (Zbigniew Brzezinski) mentioned that (Future can and must be planned , without careful choice , change may cause anarchy) . In reference to the need to predict the future and a willingness to deal with it's variables . War , is one of the phenomena that accompanied time in all it's different dimensions , past and present and future . It is very old because it emerged with the emergence of human societies since the dawn of human civilization , and continues to the present day , and will remain to along time , as far as those communities remain . It is part of human nature which can not be changed , and the highest forms of conflict to resolve the contradictions . Reality proved the incorrectness of that point of view which has been spread after the end of the cold war in (1991) and resulted in apoint of view which stated that the phenomenon of the international conflict in general , including the phenomenon of war , will become a phenomenon of the past , or that the future wars will be conventional wars , the human is still in their planetary-level enough to destroy their planet hundreds of times , but that the land no longer satisfy their appetite and military instincts for destruction , and instead it is transmitted to space and stars war . In a world where technological development has become the key to progress , and competition intensified through technology , and which influence will be extended to the political , strategic and economic aspects , and working towards making technology a controlling factor which qualifyes it's adapter to have the control in any other field , the persistence of the war phenomenon makes it's study and understanding , as asperate which has it's rules and laws and governed by it's specific circumstances , and as a field generated and influenced by various political , economical and social fields , a vital issue , not only to the specialists , since that the management of the war and the development of strategies , is no longer the prerogative of the generals , but these strategies draw on the table of tables , rallied around the leaders , generals , technicians , scientists and the educated , even in the most developed countries . we do not mean that the study of war is a study of battles and military campaigns or to identify the types of weapons and others , but also be studied at a higher level which the level of strategy , operations and tactic . From here stems the problem of the study , that the future wars will view dramatic developments turnes concepts and standards known to the military affairs on it's head , as a result of the accumulation of the impact of the diversity and the evolution of multi-output revolutions , like technology , information , media and economy revolution , and other revolutions that have passed automatically to the military arenas . The contribution of the expert systems and equipments of artificial intelligence and neural networks and X-ray laser , as well as the robot and super computer in defining the target and turning it in moments , in addition to the contribution of algorithm schemes and communication equipment , as well as the development of theoretical and applied science in facilitating the full implementation of war training ahead of time , in a way that enhance success factors and causes of failure . Those contributions are important which lead us study this subject through raising main question :-
How future wars will be with the development of military technology , and its recruitment in the means and tools of war ?
To answer these questions , the study started from a hypothesis referring to that the recruitment of the technological development for military fields with armed forces , will alter the nature of future war , so that they accommodate with the challenges posed by the third wave at the military level .
In the context of answering the question mentioned above, more than one method have been adopted , according to the requirements of the study , for example , including a historical approach in the study of campaigns and battles which have had a significant impact in the development of means and tools of war , and the diversity of strategies and tactics . and also a functional approach to search in the functions and contributions of the new fields of technological development . and also the future approach to predict some elements of future wars , with the benefit from the expertise of modern wars in the last decade of the 20th century , and the first decade of the 21 century . In the light of the hypothesis which has been put forward, and in order to demonstrate it , this thesis will be structured into four chapters provided to answer the question raised , in addition to a conclusion . In chapter one , I have had to study the technology and the war as a conceptual framework , the first section dealt with the concept of appealing against the terms of concepts and approach , while the second section dealt with the dialectic relationship between the two terms , and their effect on policy . Chapter two studied technological development and war in the 20th century in two sections . It tackled the development and war until the second world war in the first section . and during the cold war in the second. Chapter three focused on the development of technology and war after the Cold war and it's impact on military affairs , to deal in it's first section the new fields of technological development . In it's second section , it dealt with revolution in military affairs . Finally , the fourth chapter studied the technological development and the wars of the first decade of the 21 century , to deal in its first section the war waged on Iraq on 2003 as a case study . and the future of technological development and war , in its second section . In addition to the conclusion , summarizing the content of the thesis , and it's deductive and recommendations. It should be noted , that the study of the technological revolution and future wars , is not without a number of difficulties , such as :
- The confidentiality of information relating to military affairs , in general , and the war strategies and management , specially .
- Limitations and the obsolescence of the available information on the subject of study , particularly with regard to the phenomenon of war . the scarcity of information available in the base , and the descriptive nature of the شwars in the depths of history , each with their own conditions , and are leaving room for doubt one of the difficulties in the future research of this phenomenon .
In the end , I ask God Almighty to make the pragmatic scientific work that involves service to the nation , the paper finds it's place in our Arabic library .