الاصلاحات الدستورية في الدول العربية (1991-2007 )

حازم صباح احميد
الدكتورة مها عبد اللطيف حسن

The interest of this study stand on the main changes that happened in the world, exclusively after the soviet union decline and socialist block, and the USA as a unipolar international system. The new world order pushed the states to take the constitutional reformation as one of the main issues, this issue developed after the 11 Sep. events and what were Arab States accused for it. The Constitutional reformation in Arab states occur between what's was democracy and what was nationally. And there was relationship between any reformation and the political will. Many of Arab states afraid to provoke the idea of constitution reformation in order to achieve and protect their stable. Because the Arab political regime saw that any constitutional reformation may threat their presence. Moreover the reformations goals in these states discovered it's weakened.
Here, set some questions are:
- What are the benefits that belong to Arab states from the constitutional reformation?
- is what change to constitution considered as a really constitutional reformation?
Study structure includes four units abstract and conclusion as below:
- Unit one: aspects and theoretical frame in three chapters, the first: the aspects of reformation, second: reformation sides and its similarity aspects, third chapter: the constitutional formation and its similarity aspects.
- Unit two: the born and characterize of conditions in three chapters, first chapter: the beginning of constitutions born, second: the method of Arab constitutions, third chapter: the Arab states constitutions characteristics.
- Unit three: the constitutional reformation in Arab states into two chapters, the first chapter: the legal, political, social and economic internal motivation, The second: political and economic external motivation of constitutional reformation.
- Unit four: the constitutional reformation and its future protect into four chapter, first chapter: the political side, the second chapter: the social sides, human rights and public liberty, third chapter: economic sides and the last chapter: the main conditional reformation projects. Ended with abstract, connclusion and recommendations.
Study conclusion:
1- The Arab political regime has not the devise and will enough to act the constitutional reformations because they thought that and reformations threat their presence.
2- The importance of the Arab states constitutional reformation is very necessary because of threats and challenges that occur around them.
3- The constitutional reformations in many Arab states come from the political leadership alone and represented the decision maker vision in every change, after and remove constitutional provisions.
4- Major of constitutional reformation in Arab states occurs with isolation to their people and it seeks to control the power in one side without any participation in their life.
5- It's needed judicial and legislature reformations without any political obstacles that stop it like curfew.