
Effect of Nigella sativa (Black Seed) On Arthritis & Gout diseases

This study was planned to evaluate the effect of black seed (N. sativa) powder (1g) on Arthritis and Gout diseases in 80 Iraqi patients using (Latex, ASOT, Anti-ds-DNA, Uric acid and ESR) as parameters in the serum and peripheral blood. The results are summarized as following:

1- The highest percentage of patients was belonging to the group with age range (40-54 years) it was (46.25%). Also the percentage of female patients was higher than that of male patients; it was (60% and 40%), respectively.


Genetic Study on The Locally Isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its Ability in Lectin Production

A total of 34 samples from ear, blood, sputum, burns, CSF and cystic fibrosis infections were collected from Al-No’man hospital, Central Medicine City hospital and from sewage of Al-Dorra in Baghdad governorate. From these samples we got 18 isolates, 12 were identified to belong to Pseudomonas spp. according to their ability to grow on ceteremide agar.


Therapeutic Activity of Crud Alkaloidal Extract of Fumaria officinalis in Dermatophyte (Trichophyton rubrum). (Study by Light Microscop).

This investigation was planned to study the histopathological changes caused by Trichophyton rubrum and study the therapeutic activity of Fumaria officinalis (ethanolic extract) on the infected skin by using light microscope (in vitro and in vivo).


Inhibitory Effects of Nigella sativa Oil and Honey on the Genotoxicity of Tamoxifen in Mice

         The present study was designed to shed light on the cytogenetic effects of tamoxifen in laboratory females’ mice (in vivo), and in human blood lymphocytes (in vitro). It was also aimed to investigate the role of black seed oil and honey in reducing these effects in mice.

         The cytogenetic effects of the drug were investigated after one day, three and five days of treatment with two doses, low dose (0.4 mg/kg) and high dose (0.8 mg/kg).


Biological Study on the Activity of Fumaria officinalis Extracts

      This research was conducted to study the biological activity of Fumaria officinalis plant extract on laboratory animals. The herb Fumaria officinalis is a wide growing plant, has a wide reputation among herb- experts in Iraq, it's a folk traditions       Few photochemical investigation of this plant had been reported previously but non on the Iraqi plant, thus indicating that a research on this plant might be of value    Chemical detection was done to identify the active compound present in it.


This study included collection of (103) swabs samples taken from patients suffering from nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) in Ibn Al- Haetham Teaching Eye Hospital /Baghdad. When these samples were cultured on special media, ninety samples gave positiv

       Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can delay the start or slow the rate of lipid oxidation reaction in food system.Antioxidants considered one of the best protection agents for thebody against the side effects of free radicals, enhancing growth factor, improvement of fertility performance and reducing level of total serum cholesterol.


Study of the Causative Agents of the Infection of Lacrimal Drainage System

This study included collection of (103) swabs samples taken from patients suffering from nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) in Ibn Al- Haetham Teaching Eye Hospital /Baghdad. When these samples were cultured on special media, ninety samples gave positive results for bacteria, while no isolate was belonged to the yeast and fungi.Positive samples were identified by using cultural, microscopical and biochemical examinations for diagnosis.


Purification and Characterization of α – Amylase Produced by The Local Isolate Xanthomonas campestris H6

    The ability of Xanthomonas campestris strain H6 for the production of α – amylase  was studied and it was found that Xc H6 is capable of producing the e xtracelluar α – amylase enzyme.  Optimal conditions for the α – amylase production in PM1 medium were studied and the higher activity of this enzyme was obtained in PM1 medium  supplemented with  glucose 3.5 %, peptone 2 %, K2HPO4 2.5 %    at 30 ºC and pH 7.0.   Results obtained demonstrate that α – amylase  produced by Xc H6 is a constitutive enzyme that is not subjected to ca
