
Recommender System for E-Commerce Data

The Internet revolution changed the world and made it as a small village, since everyone can contact people anywhere in the world. This easy communication facilitates selling and buying through the Internet which is called e-commerce.When e-commerce began to grow, problems appeared, one of them is how to buy something from a huge category, i.e.


Audio Steganagraphy In Wavelet Transform Domain

Steganography is the art of hiding information in ways that prevent its detection. A message in cipher text may arouse suspicion while an invisible message will not. Digital steganography uses a host data or message, known as a “container” or “cover” to hide another data or message called “secret” in it. An audio in audio steganography system had been proposed in this thesis in order to embed a secret audio data in another cover audio data.


Interframe Compression using Distributed Systems

There are two main alternatives to compress a video. The first one, usually called intraframe approach, pretends to remove the spatial redundancy of an image without destroying important information. These methods are suitable for still image applications such as multimedia, image database, etc. Nevertheless, in applications that use a sequence of image, data such as TV scenes, video conferencing etc, time redundancy can be exploited to increase the compression ratio since consecutive frames are usually highly correlated.


Hand Identification Using Fuzzy-Neural

Biometrics is refers to the automatic identification of a living person based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Hand identification involves an analysis and measures of the features of the hand. In this research work, we have two steps. The first step is enrollment step and the second is identification step.In the enrollment step, the stages image capture, image binarization, edge detection and feature extraction were implemented. In the image capture, the user has to put his hand in the scanner with fingers spread freely without using any pegs.


Construction of Mathematical-Statistical Model of Wind Energy in Iraq Using Different Weibull Distribution Functions

In the past few years, the world has witnessed a rush towards the use of clean renewable energy sources in order to reduce environmental pollution, energy cost, fuel consuming. Therefore, this work focused toward an important sector in renewable energy, which is wind energy, where the work was divided into four objectives namely;- Wind statistics: This  item  presents  a  statistical  analysis  of  the  wind resources at five selected sites (Ali Al-karbee, Baghdad, Basrah, Nasiriya, Kerbala) conducted on annual and monthly basis.


Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamic Properties of Bose-Einstein Condensation in Fractal Media

A quantum statistical mechanics model for the BEC phenomenon in fractal media is formulated. This model is based upon the generalized nonextensive Tsallis thermostatistics. The thermodynamic behavior this formulation (the temperature dependence of the condensate thermodynamic properties) is also investigated.


Preparation and Characterization of the Sn x Ba 4 Ca 2 Cu x+4 O y and Y n Ba 5 Cu Compounds

The present study includes the preparation of Sn xBa4Ca andYnBa5Cun+5O compounds with (x = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and (n=3, 5, 7) by solid state reaction (SSR) method. The study was to conclude the erconductor behavior of both compounds. The prepared samples were analyzed by Meissner effect primary, and the excess oxygen content was measured by using Iodomertric titration method.


q-Deformed Quantum Coherent States and Some of Their Applications

The concept of q-deformation has found many important applications in a variety of fields in physics, such as quantum optics, atomic physics, solid state physics,nuclear physics and cosmology. This has motivated its extension to many well-established other concepts such as coherent states well-known in quantum optics. On the other hand, the interpretation of the physical meaning of the q-deformation remains an outstanding problem.The present work is an attempt to apply the concept of q-deformed coherent states to solve this interpretation problem.


Preparation of Painting Material from Li-Ni Ferrite with Isovalent Substitution

   Nano Li-Ni ferrite samples having the structure Li were prepared by hydrothermal method in two sets from metal chlorides,ferrous sulfate and NaOH. Each set implicated varying x through 0, 0.1,0.3 to 1.0. The samples were without and with adding Fe0.5-0.5x2+. The ratio ofFe3+/ Fe2+ was kept at 1.7. The preparation temperature was 155 °C and pH was equal to 11.
