
Simulation of Token Ring Lan using petrinet model

Abstract : Since the appearance of computers network until the use of the internet many types of LAN were applied according to the topology or to the way of exchanging the information (access method). To get the better and suitable ways, the need to study the performance of LAN was appeared in order to know the network performance through measuring the time of information receiving, to know which type is suitable for a specific job and place.


FPGA based elliptic curve cryptosystem

Abstract : Elliptic Curve Algorithms (ECA) has been developed to be a desirable algorithm to other public-key cryptosystems such as the Rivest-Shamir- Adleman algorithm (RSA) by offering the smallest key size and the highest strength per bit. It is based on the discrete logarithm in finite field and integer factorization problem. This thesis proposes the design and implementation of cryptosystem used for generation of session key based on elliptic curve. The underlying structures are the standard Galois Fields GF (2m) in standard base representation.
