
Numerical solution of fuzzy boundary value problems. +CD


This work has three objectives: The first objective is to study fuzzy set theory including definitions, notations and examples. The second objective is to study and proof the existence and uniqueness theorem of fuzzy boundary value problems directly without transforming the problem into fuzzy initial value problem. The third objective is to study the numerical solution of fuzzy boundary value problems.


Solution cauchy type problem of partial fractional order differential equations. +CD

In this work, we obtain an analytical solution for Cauchy type problem of partial fractional order differential equation in terms of Mittage - Leffler function using Laplace transformation. The existence and uniqueness of the analytical solution also, is reviewed by reducing the Cauchy type problem of partial fractional order differential equation into linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind and showing that the solution of our Cauchy type problem is equivalent to the solution of linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind.
