College of Science

Low Rate Hiding in Audio Data Using Phase Domain

Steganography is considered one of the widely used methods for hiding information; it hides secret data in digital cover without clear suspicion.This work focus on studying two methods for hiding any secret data type in the audio signal. First, the audio signal is transformed to frequency domain by using quick Fourier transform that depended on the reduction of time and number of mathematical operations.        Two hiding methods are designed to embed secret data bits in the phase domain coefficients of audio signal.


An Authentication Scheme For Instant Messaging System

 Instant messaging system is considered to be one of the widely used application area, it is rapidly growing as a primary communications technology among corporate, educational and home users.  Users of instant messaging systems need to authenticate each other before communicating, so the need for login authentication becomes an important issue.This research deals with the design and implementation of instant messaging system (IMS) supported with a suggested method to authenticate users.


Software Engineering Specifications for Dynamic Website Design

Dynamic Website today are large-scale and involve sophisticated interaction with visitors and databases, new dimension of dealing with users in Websites potentially the whole world; such Websites are often regarded as mission critical.In parallel with this evolution, dynamic Websites loss main basic specification of software engineering, a need for Web engineering has become apparent, to successfully build large-scale, complex Web-based systems and applications.The aim of the thesis is to put subjective bases for designing and implementation aspects based on sta
