College of Science

Audio-Hiding System Using Wavelet and DCT Transforms

Steganography is considered as one of the widely used methods for hiding information; it hides secret data in digital cover data without clear suspicion.This work focus on using two transform based methods for hiding secret data.First, the data will converted to binary form, then two predefine threshold values are used to categorize the audio blocks.


Intranet Based System for Securities Trading

Nowadays the evolution of securities markets using information technology is becoming an important issue because they make exchanges comparable and more integrated. The borders of the market that investors face are blurring. In this way there is an increasing competition among the stock exchanges worldwide and among exchanges and automated trading systems.Based on previous events, five years from now the business of trading shares will look radically different.


TU-satellite image analysis and quality estimation

 TheimagequalityanalysistechniquesofTV-Satelliteimagescome fromthesignificantprocessingofhighimportanceofimageinformation inthemultimediaworld.Inthisresearch,thequalityofTV-Satellite
imagesonthethreesatellites(Arabsat,HotbirdandNilesat)wasstudied toestimatethebestqualityimage.Anumberofimagequalitymetrics havebeenintroduced.Theintroducedimagequalitymetricsconsistof
twomethods.Thefirstmethodiscalledthecontrastofimageedgesand the secondmethodiscalledthecrosscorrelation.Inthecontrastofimageedgesmethod,theedgeshavebeen
