College of Science

Modified Algorithms for Solving Linear Programming Problems

              In   this   work,   we   studied    the   ``Path-Following  Algorithm``,  which  is  one  of  the  family  algorithms, called ``Interior-Point   Algorithms``. We   are   discussed   two   modifications,    the   first


Variational Formulations of Some Variable Delay Differential Systems

The main theme of this work is to introduce the general form and fundamental concepts in ordinary and partial delay-differential equations with variable delays and then to find the variational formulation of
delay-differential equations with variable delays in both cases, ordinary and partial and to provide the rules of minimizing the obtained functional in the subject of calculus of variation. Finally, to minimize the


Solution of Stochastic Linear Ordinary Delay Differential Equations

This thesis have three main objectives. The first objective is to give a study of stochastic calculus, including the basic definitions and fundamental concepts related to this topic including the proof of some
results, and among such results is the proof of Hölder's inequality of expectation, the existence and uniqueness theorem of stochastic differential equations and the Euler's method for solving stochastic
