College of Engineering

Phenomena of mixing Ethylene Glycol /Water System for Freezing Point Measurements

      Experimental work is carried out to find the minimum value of freezing point that can be obtained for Ethylene Glycol – water solution. 5% wt. of methanol is added to the Ethylene glycol – water solution to investigate its effect on freezing temperature.The experiments also included determination of boiling temperature of Ethylene Glycol – water solution with and without methanol at different ethylene glycol concentrations from 0 to 100 weight per cent at temperature 20°C and 1 atmosphere pressure.


Characterization of mono, binary, and ternary sphere packing

          This work presents the study of single phase fluid flow through a packed bed, where two type of fluids were used (air and water). Spherical glass particles were used as solid phase, the glass spheres were 0.9987, 0.7955, 0.6015, 0.509, 0.4210 cm in diameter. The bed was 7.64 cm in diameter and 15.15 cm in length.Many variables were studied in this packed bed.


Studying The Parameters Affecting The Pressure Drop Across The Packed Bed

                 Semi-empirical equations for fluid flow through packed bed have been achieved, depending on Buckingham π theorem. Two types of fluids have been used (water and air) separately (single phase flow). Several types and kinds of packing materials with different sizes have been used in the packed bed, and each had been studied separately. Different parameters affecting the pressure drop of fluid flow
