Centre of The Specialized Studying Center between Al-Hawzah and University Congratulates The President of University

Al-Nahrain Media:Asst.Prof.Dr.Muhammad  Akrem

The  President  of  Al-Nahrain  University,  Prof.Dr.Muhammad  Sahab    Mahdy  Al-Tai receives the representative of  the association Centers  between Al-Hawzah and University  and Assist  President of The University for the Administrative  affairs, Jamah  Salman Jaad  in Al-Nahrain University  to present  the congratulation  of the general secretary  of the association,  the Sheikh  ,Qasim Al-Hashamy  for Prof.Dr.Muhammad  Sahab    Mahdy  Al-Tai  for    the university president    position  wishing the consolidation and  development  of the relation between  The Centre and The university  putting the scientific bases  to build the best future for our students  wishing the success for them to perform their national duty.


 Translated  By

Asst.Prof.Aula  Abdul  Ghaffour  Muhammad  Salah