Basheer Nahiz Ameen
Dr. Sawsan Kamal Thamer

QR_Code (Quick Response Barcode), is two dimensional barcode that encode special information such as (numeric, URLs, alphanumeric and byte or binary). QR Codes are mainly used to carry or store messages because they have higher or large storage capacity than any other normal conventional ‘barcodes’. In this work, the motivation is to use QR codes for security purposes or to use QR codes to send and receive data in a secret manner and that is what is newly discussed in the presented thesis.Three algorithms (2 for ciphering-QR code and 1 for hiding-QR code)are introduced. In the first ciphering algorithm, QR code is generated for the secret message and the secret key, the encryption process is done by XOR part (series of pixels) of QR code image for secret message with the same part of QR code image for secret key, and then embedding the key into the resulted QR to produce ciphered QR code. In the second ciphering algorithm, QR code is generated for secret message only; the encryption process is done by inverting two important areas in QR code image for secret message to produce ciphered QR code. Finally, the third hiding algorithm, two QR codes are generated. One for secret message and the other for the cover of secret message. The hiding process is done by hiding the first QR code image of the secret message into second QR code image of the cover to produce stego-QR that provids a normal data without any suspicious when one scanned the resulted QR code. In this thesis, the resulted QR code can be kept with the person all the time and the QR Code scanner with a special program, which can decode or extract the important information with an authentic data and saved in it.Each stage aims to design and implement a mobile application that uses QR_Code technique to encrypt or hide data for security, such application requires first design the software part, which is a program written in android studio software. This software provides an application (of extension .apk) files which are accepted on mobile.The results obtained in this thesis are as follows. The first and second methods in the process of encoding and decoding are given the MSE 0 and the PSNR infinite and the third method gives low percent in MSE and high percent in PSNR.