Preparation of Human Spermatozoa using Glass Wool Filtration Technique versus Washing Swim-up Techniqu

Sumeya Ghanawy AL-Najjar
Dr. Muhammad- Baqir M-R Fakhrildin

Background: Semen preparation techniques were developed to separate motile sperm that are morphologically normal from seminal plasma to optimize successful assisted reproductive technology cycles which seem to be the most effective options in cases of a male factor infertility. Objective: The objective of the present study was to compare between outcomes of two sperm preparation techniques including:

  1. Centrifugation swim up technique.
  2. Glass wool filtration technique.

 Subjects, Materials and methodsOne hundred males were participated in this study during their attendance to the Infertility Clinic at High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies; Al- Nahrain University. The period of study was from October 2013 to May 2014. The mean age for all males included in this study was (33.19±0.92) years and mean duration of infertility was 4.545±0.23 years.  Semen samples were collected and seminal fluid analysis was done according to WHO (2010). Each semen sample was divided into two aliquots. The first one prepared using centrifugation swim up technique, while the other one prepared using glass wool filtration technique then sperm parameters were assessed for both techniques and the results were statistically analyzed.