Video streaming over wireless channel: evaluation and optimization

Ali Burhan Jassim
Dr. Nasser N. Khamiss

Video applications have acquired a lot of attention because of its significance in the communications field. To make it reliable, a compression is needed. Wirelessing video communication has become a demand, but wireless conditions are more severe than wired, and compressed video streams are very susceptible to errors that may lead to unavoidable error spread. So, a candidate scheme was used in this work, which is OFDM to overcome channel conditions. In order to compress video for efficient transmission, a codec scheme of MPEG is used that include transform coding and quantization for compression. Besides, a motion estimation is used for more compression to be achieved. Algorithms for applying motion estimation are presented for estimating motion vectors in predictive frames. The search algorithms: TSS, FSS, NTSS, CS, DS, OSA and OTA were tested on a video sample of 60 frames with GoP of 60. An average PSNR for NTSS is 32.8223 db as best quality technique and for FSS is 28.2845 db as worse quality technique. The transmitted video stream is optimized for best search technique and tested through OFDM system over different wireless channel conditions. The results show a better performance difference of 7 db in PSNR with NTSS for the same channel SNR of 13.5 db. Several tests were taken for different GoP in video compression where the achieved compression ratio is ranged from 34 to 50 times according to GoP changing.