AL- Nahrain University holds a seminar on E-learning in Iraqi Universities

The recent research has improved the methods of teaching and increased the efficiency of learning through the understanding of the human brain mechanisms of action during the learning process, by using different multimedia to presents the scientific subjects in the best ways that enable the learner to receive, interact with them and maintain, through these concepts and research addressed by scientific experiments.
The Department of Information and Communications Engineering at the College of Information Engineering at Al-Nahrain University , holds a scientific seminar entitled," The Reality and Ambition of E-learning in Iraqi Universities " with the participation of a number of specialists and post graduate students.
The seminar aims to identify the items of modern learning, its
Concepts, theories and its use in E-learning and to develop the necessary plans to promote the techniques of E-learning and fulfill the required required growth in harnessing multimedia techniques to create a scientific subjects through what is available of clarification items such as: Text, Graphics, and Audio, which helps to achieve the growth rates of exchanging information through the presentation of the content within the educational theories .
The seminar included three lectures: the first lecture was about the "Constraints of Electronic Engineering Education" presented by
Dr. Rajaa Al-Deen Abid Khalid
The second lecture was about "The Recognition of E-learning Media" presented by Dr. Naser Nafi Khamis
While the last lecture was about "The Electronic Experience of Higher Education in Iraqi Universities" presented by
Dr. Abdul Rahim Sahib Okla, he is one of the teaching members at the University of Technology.

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