Engineering of Al-Nahrain Organizes a Workshop of The Scientific Promotion

Subcommittee of Scientific Promotion of College of Engineering in Al-Nahrain University organizes a workshop entitled The Scientific Promotion and Its Demands.The workshop implies   the mechanism and demands of the scientific promotion presented by Subcommittee of The Scientific Promotion in College of engineering. 
The workshop aims for knowing the last updates of the instructions of the scientific promotion shedding light on the most frequent mistakes of the promotion to prevent these mistakes accelerating the process and procedures of the scientific promotion transaction  which ensures the completion of the scientific transaction on  its time according to the instructions.
The workshop recommends the others to interest in the electronic version  of the scientific transaction because of its importance in the audit procedures  which the Central Promotion Committee does.  Besides ,it is necessary to attach the documents and all the administrative instructions  which are parts of the demands of the scientific promotion.
Translated by 
Prof.Aula  Abdual Ghaffour Muhammad