The Political Science in Al-Nahrain Discusses The Role of United Nations and Environmental Challenges

College of Political Science in Al-Nahrain University discusses a Phd thesis entitled United Nations Organization and The Environmental Challenges:A prospective Study by the student Rathwen Hussen Ali.This thesis shows the role which United Nations Organization plays in facing the international environmental challenges concentrating on the policies analysis and the initiative  which the organization uses to enrich the environmental sustainability.
 The thesis aims for analyzing and evaluating the role of United Nations to face the prospective environmental challenges . The study includes reviewing the polices and procedures which this organization adopts in this field, determining the obstacles which prevent achieving the goals of the environment. Besides, the thesis presents strategic recommendations   to improve the activity of United Nations  in dealing with the environmental cases and enriching the international cooperation to face the international environmental challenges  more efficient and more sustainable.                        This thesis presents an important  prospective vision about the means of enriching the role of the United Nations in facing the environmental  challenges which contribute to develop the sustainable strategies in the long term. In addition, the results of the thesis which affect   the environmental polices making  on the international level by presenting recommendations  depending on the adequate researches with the means of improving the international reply to the environmental challenges.           
Translated by   
Prof.Aula Abdual Ghaffour Muhammad