An Instructor of Al-Nahrain Contributes in The Second International Conference in Warith Al-Anbiyaa Unibersity

An Instructor of Al-Nahrain Contributes in The Second International Conference in Warith Al-Anbiyaa Unibersity
The Instructor Hind Salamen Al-Yaas in College of  Business Economics /  Economics of Bank Management Department contributes her research entitled Fama and French five-factor model of portfolio building and this model is regarded as an effective model to achieve the diversity of portfolio and the financial  wanted profits. 
The summary of this research is that the investor must pursue his/her portfolio regularly evaluating depending on  Fama and French five-factor model to achieve the financial wanted profits as well as the investor can get a financial consultation from experts of  Fama and French five-factor model to help him/her to invest  effective portfolio building and achive success in the financial investments.
Translated by
Prof.Aula Abdual Ghaffour Muhammad