Science of Al-Nahrain Organizes a Workshop on The Programming Dependence

Science of Al-Nahrain Organizes a Workshop on The Programming Dependence
The Mathematics and Computer Applications Department of College of Science in Al-Nahrain University organizes a workshop on the programming dependence. This workshop is presented by a number of instructors of department, the teaching staff and students of this department attend this workshop.
This workshop aims for explaining the principles that must be met for the scientific department to achieve the academic program and outcomes of education discussing all the principles to encourage and motivate the students to work hard to raise the scientific and cultural levels. 
The importance of this workshop implies enriching and developing the skills of teaching staff and students, explaining the importance of the programming dependence in Mathematics field and computer applications  in order to enrich the quality of education and research in this filed.
Translated by
Prof.Aula Abdual Ghaffour Muhammad