By Al-Nahrain University…A Research Team Develops a Sample of Artificial Intelligence to Categorize and Monitor The Tumors of the Mammary Glands by Using DCE-MRI Technique

An international  research team leaded by the instructor in College of Medicine ,Assist.Prof.Dr.Ali Majeed Hussein in cooperation  with researchers from international scientific  institutions a research entitled Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Based on Hybrid Features Extraction in Dynamic Contrast  Enhanced Magnatic resonance Imaging in Neural Computing and Applications Journal which is indexed in first three quarters in database of Scopus and Web of Science.

The research aims for using a sample of artificial intelligence to categorize and monitor the tumors of the mammary glands by using DCE-MRI technique  and it concludes that it develops a new algorithm of mammogram and categorizes its tumors and this is an important step for developing means of  diagnosis of the mammary glands and prevent from it.

A research team involves a number of staff of Al-Nahrain University,a researcher from Malaysian Malay University, researcher from University of Derby in United Kingdom and   researcher from  Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in United States.Besides,this achievement supports the continuous development in this aspect by cooperation of scientists and researchers of different nationalities and specializations to achieve innovative solutions which participate to prevent the disease and improve the patient’s health.

Translated by

Prof.Aula Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah