College of Law in Al-Nahrain University Discusses Mater Dissertation about The Oversight Bodies and Labour Exploitation


 A Master dissertation about The Role of the Oversight Bodies to reduce

The Labour Exploitation  :A comparative Study by the researcher Jasim Dreem Moseh  is discussed in The Big Conferences Hall in College of Law/Al-Nahrain University.The aim of this study is to determine the role of labour exploitation explaining its negative effect on the public interest which leads to   weaken the work and its working systems which do not perform its services correctly as well as the state is unable to present  the services for its citizens  by its  functional integrity for every member of society .The study achieves to determine the role of the oversight bodies to prevent such crimes and eliminate them.Besides, it assures that the public function becomes as  a good which is used by the official to achieve his own needs and preventing this crime is the main purpose of the oversight bodies though it increase there.


Translated by

Prof.Aula Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah