College of Pharmacy Celebrates by Reciting the Medical Oath for Its Students

By the sponsorship of the Dean of College of Pharmacy -Al-Nahrain

University ,Asst.Prof.Dr.Hayder Bahaa Sahab, College of Pharmacy

celebrates by reciting the medical oath  for its graduates(2021-2022), fourth  batch   whose  logo Our Education is Our Aim  in Tuesday 1/11/2022  in  Ibn  Al-Bitar Hall/College of Pharmacy which starts with reading of  Al-Fatiha Surah for the Iraqi martyrs, then the national anthem is played and the Dean of College Pharmacy says his words for the graduates about the human and scientific tasks and duties for the pharmacist in serving the humanities wishing the success and best of luck for them.


Translated by

Prof.Aula Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah