Knowledge atitude and practices of mothers in an area in Baghdad regarding acute respiratory tract infections of children.

Tha'ra Abdul-Wahid Muhammed
Dr. Yarub Al-Zuhair

This study reports the result of knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers towards ARI, the influence of different demographic factors on ARI problem and the extent of the problem in sector (757) at Al-Khansaa area, Baghdad during the months of January, February and March 1994. Mothers of U5 children in (520) houses, were chosen randomly and interviewed at their houses.A special questionnaire of seven sections was employed to collect data about family characteristic,information about last child,social and environmental factors, mother knowledge ' about ARI, attitude towards ARI, general health practices and health practices in case of ARI. The most important findings are: 1. In spite of ARI program implementation for few years now, only 2/3 of mothers know about ARI, the main source of information is TV. Few heard about it from H.C. private clinic or other organizations. 2. Most of mothers prefer antibiotics (injectable or oral) (69.8%), only (10.77%) prefer home management while the opposite should be practiced. 3. Nearly all mothers agreed that fever, cough, rhinitis, reluctance to feed or drink and wheezing are the main signs and symptoms for ARI. The main danger signs and symptoms for mothers are fever, dyspnoea, convulsion, cough and wheezing. 4. Most of mothers believe that ARIs are curable (84.81%) and can resolve within (1-3) days (67.51%). 5. Majority of mothers will seek medical help from private clinic, H.C. or health worker, mostly during the first day. 6. Still problem of self medication is practiced by (13.85%) of mothers. 7. There is good doctor-patient relationship i,n (61.92%), and mothers prefer to wait not less than (3) days to judge the effectiveness of the treatment. 8.The (2) weeks prevalence of ARI is (57.31%). 9. There is high percentage of children covered with B.C.G., D.P.T., O.P.V. and measles vaccines;. Also, majority of children, were breastfed, got supplementary foods before (6) months, of age, weaned after (6) months of age. All these practices can be 'related to ARI and reflect their effects on morbidity and mortality. 10. About 2/3 of mothers had their worry and, fear, which needs reassurance that ARIs are simple, purable and selflimited diseases need supportive treatment only in most cases. 11. There was not much change in attitude of mothers towards ARI for they are still prefer antibiotics, little use of home management, and nearly all mothers having more than one child admit that they are treating their last child the same way they treated the first child. 12. In (37.5%) of children, the annual'attack rate was more than (3/year). 13. The association between ARI and sex of child, rank of child, use of kerosene, C.I., SES of the family, presence of smokers in the family and breast feeding, all need further investigations. 14. The study highlights the need to improve quality of information about ARI provided. Need for proper use of TV and mass media for they are the main source of information.