This study 500 mothers in urban areas & rural areas were interview during the first year of their last delivery while they were attending the health centers for various reasons. In Diala governorate It was found that 55.7% of deliveries in rural areas were at home and 44.3% at hospital. In urban areas 25.5% were home deliveries & 74.5% hospital deliveries. Geographical factors played a role for the mother preference for the place of delivery. At the same time the level of education of the mothers influanced mothers decision, mothers with low educational level prefer home delivery in urban areas 44% and in rural areas 60% were home delivery. It was found also that mothers who had received ANC were more Liable to deliver at hospital even in the rural areas, 77.1% in urban areas & 59% in rural areas were hospital deliveries. Large percentage of home deliveries were attended by TBAS in the rural areas 43.1% and in Urban areas 39.2% by midwives 27% of women reluctant to be attended by male doctors at hospitals