Isolation and characterization of enterohemerrhagic E. coli from children Baghdad

Ziad Ahmed Shebib
Dr. Zeki Abdul Ghani
Dr. Layla Khalid Mehdi

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major new public health challenge. Hepatitis C occurs world wide, and in all ages, and among all racial / ethnic groups studied. The high rate of persistent infection with this virus creates a large reservoir of persons who are infectious to others, resulting in multiple opportunities for transmission of the disease. Because there are many factors that predispose pregnant women to harbor HCV, and because the prevalence of HCV antibody may very dramatically from one geographic location to another, a comprehensive molecular- epidemiological multicentre cross-sectional study, of Iraqi pregnant women, not selected for risk factor, was designed. The main aims of this study were (1) to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus antibody (anti-HCV) among the studied group (2) to investigate the association between HCV acquisition risk factor(s) with ftnti-HCV seropositivity, viremia and HCV isolate genotype(s). (3) to identify the Unconfounding risk factor(s) that act independently for HCV acquisition by using multivariate analysis. The anti CV seroprevalence study was performed on 3491 Iraqi pregnant women (14-50 years old) during their third trimester, randomly selected from attendance to health care institutes, covering 19 of 121 health care institutes of Baghdad. Utilizing the third generation of enzyme immunoassay (EIA-3), 160 (4.58 %) were anti-HCV seropositive, and successively followed by immunoblot essay (LiaTek-III) yielded 112 - positive, reactive anti-HCV, giving a minimal anti-HCV prevalence rate of (3.21%). In addition, the number of indeterminate and negative LiaTek-III were 20 and 28 respectively. Furthermore, 59 of 94 mother's sera (irrespective to LiaTek-III reaction)were HCV-RNA positive by reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). nterestingly, of those 59 positive HCV-RNA, 7 were previously diagnosed as indeterminate Lia Tek-III. Using well advanced method of DNA enzyme immunoassay (DEJA) based on 6 different genotype specific primers, directed against the 5' untransulated (51 URT) as well as the core region. Interestingly, all except 2 (who were previously diagnosed as indeterminate LiaTek-III)of theS9HCV-RNA positive sera were genotyped / subtyped, demonstrated in a single (1, la, Ib, 3a or 4) or in a mixed (dual (1 & 4), (Ib & 4), (3a&4) pattern of infection. Strikingly, the predominant circulating genotype among Iraqi pregnant women were HCV-4 29/57 (50.87%), followed by HCV-lb (35.08%), HCV-la (22.8 %)HCV-1 (14.03%) and HCV-3a (5.26%). Notably, the study failed to demonstrate a significant association between HCV genotype and mode of HCV acquisition, except with HCV-lb which was found significantly associated with pregnant women having a history of anti-D immunoglobulin treatment P= 0.04, as well as older women with mean age of 33.9 + 5.446,P<0.05. The potential of 18 different factors, including demographic end behavioral characteristics (age, residency, marital status, education occupation of mother and tattooing) obstetric and gynecological history (gravidity, parity, of the mother, previous history of normal vaginal delivery "NVD", history of abortion, curettage and delivery by Cesarean section (CS)), medical & surgical history (Blood transfusion, anti-1) immunoglobulin and history of jaundice were statistically analyzed, based on bivariate, as well as multivariate analysis. This Study revealed (5.32%) of Iraqi pregnant women had no identified risk factor. Moreover, all except three variables (history of jaundice, residency and tattooing) were significantly found associated with anti-HCV seropositivity, and act as a risk of HCV infection, measured by odd's ratio, with the following values, mother being illiterate OR=1.669 95% C. I. 1.035-2.692) health care worker (OR=6.818, 95 % C.I. =2.908-15.985). Age being > 30 years OR=1.717, 95% C.I, -1.173-2.514), second marriage (OR=2.877 95% C.I. -1.061-7.781) multigravida (OR= 2.142 95 % C.I =1.27-3.613), grand multiparous (OR=1.881 95% C.I= 1.172-3.08) history of abortion (OR=2.316 95% C.I. = 1.601 -3.351), Curettage (OR=3.355 95% C.I. =2.342-4.805) C.S. OR=2.003 95 % C.I..1271-3.155) astound history of blood transfusion (OR=7.543 95% C.I. 4.640-12.2 l)Anti-D-immunoglobulin injection (OR=3.32 95% C.I=1.473-6.82) intraspousal